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02 September 2014
Domestic Cleaning With Baking Soda - Hints To Help You
Domestic Cleaning With Baking Soda - Hints To Help YouTop Cleaning Tips with Baking Soda Baking soda has long been used in traditional cleaning methods but is often overlooked in the modern-day in favour of stronger chemicals. You will find, however, that the strength of these products is their downfall, and they can be too harsh for people who want to look after their own health, as well as caring for the environment. It is said that oftentimes, the products used in house cleaning are often worse for the inhabitants of the house than the germs in the dirt are, so take heed, and look in to potential alternatives. As an alternative, baking soda is a versatile candidate, as it is adaptable with various other natural ingredients like lemon, salt and vinegar. Look below for a few ideas on how to make baking soda work for you in your home cleaning routine.For a start, try using a little baking soda on your sponge when you are washing up. Mind that you don’t have too wet a sponge, as this will simply soak the soda up, and it won’t have a chance to work that well. You will find that the fixing action of the soda helps to cut through the grease and dirt, and give your plates a really great gleam. Have a think about other uses for baking soda in your kitchen cleaning. You will find that using a little on a sponge when you are cleaning down the surfaces will be just as effective as when you are using it on the dishes. Perhaps even try adding a couple of drops of lemon to the same sponge. The combination will leave you with a fresh scent after you are done with the cleaning, and it will also kill a great number of germs whilst you are on the go. This is much preferable to the harsh smells and potential skin irritation that similar germ killers can bring about. You will find that baking soda is an excellent odour eater, and will not leave any smell of its own, which is what you get with vinegar and lemon. You will find that the result of leaving a little baking soda sprinkled in a stinky fridge will be very effective, after only a few hours. Scoop out a lemon, and fill the rind cup with baking soda, and you will find that you have a fresh and natural permanent odour buster!When you have a smell in another room of the house, it can be difficult to get rid of it, because it is hard to trace to one specific place. You will find that often, smells get caught in fabrics and you need to get down to some serious carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning in order to get rid of them. Baking soda is perfect for this, simply brush a fair amount of the stuff through your carpet in order to lift the smell out when you vacuum. Leave the baking soda in place for a little while if you can though. You will find that you can get stains out of the upholstery as well, so can be a big part of your sofa cleaning technique if you can master it! Try lathering up a little baking soda and lemon on a spot that is stained, and scrub it in. Leave it for a while, and then rinse it out. Be sure to keep checking and repeating the process until the stain is gone.

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