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24 May 2014
Getting Your Property Cleaned Properly Before You Move Out
Getting Your Property Cleaned Properly Before You Move OutMoving out is a really busy time, no matter how prepared you are. It is always part of a tenancy agreement that the place be left looking as it did when you arrived, and even if it was a bit of a state when you arrived, the land lord will usually expect a decent clean to be done before you left. Whilst some tenancy agreements put in place a clause that says you need to have the place professionally cleaned, some people like to just do the job themselves in order to save a bit of cash. Have a look over the various things that you need to keep in mind if you are going to try that out in the items below.You will likely find that the cleaning process needs a fair amount of time to be done. The removals process is a crazy one, and there are so many different things to consider that you will find that it can be difficult to know exactly what you are doing half the time, and what is yet to be done. There is a lot of emphasis on getting things moved, and how the place looks, so be sure that you are doing everything in the right order, as otherwise you are only fueling the panic that you may be feeling! You should remove your furniture and belongings before you do the DIY that you need to do to get rid of any holes and marks, and then you should clean. Failure to do it all in that order will mean that you inevitably get dirt and dust either all over the cleaned house, or all over your belongings. The repairs process will be messy, as filling, sanding and painting over these areas will always cause dust to be thrown in to the air, and that can be a nightmare. You will also find that the removals process, in lifting things in and out of the house will cause even more dirt and dust to be chucked up into the atmosphere of the room. You want to avoid going over things twice, and you want the job to be as easy as it possibly can, so it is essential that you are able to clean after the two others are done, as your belongings being gone will make the whole process a lot quicker than it would be if you were having to move around all of the boxes and larger bits of furnitureYou will find that at the end of the day, having gotten all of the DIY and moving done, there is not a lot of time in which to clean in a relaxed way. You will need at least half a day to ensure that the place is done properly, and that is going to be a tough half day of panicking a little in trying to get the job done and done well. You will usually find that hiring a cleaning company to do the job will be worth the price, as the stress that they will reduce on your part will ensure that you are able to do the final maneuvers calmly and easily. A cleaner will take a lot less time than you anyway, as they have much more experience, and if there is no furniture to worry about cleaning or moving around, then the job should be a really fast one. Just make sure they don’t miss anywhere out, and you will be completely fine!

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