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11 April 2014
Cleaning The Fridge Successfully
Cleaning The Fridge SuccessfullyWhen you are cleaning the fridge, you need to take the same steps as you would with cleaning an oven, but you will find that the amount of work and harsh chemicals needed are a lot less. You will need to do the fridge clean at a time when you do not have much in there, as otherwise you will have to spend ages getting all of the food out of the fridge and then putting it back in at the end. A certain amount of regular cleaning maintenance will see you from having to clean the whole fridge out too often, because it is usually only spills that cause the sorts of smell that will leave you needing to clean the whole thing. Attending to spills as soon as they happen, or as soon as you see them will prevent them from drying and going bad, which is what causes the smell. The worst for this is spilt milk or eggs, which can get really rather disgusting and give your fridge a cheesy smell. If you have cheese in the fridge, then it’s just the cheese... To keep your fridge smelling fresh in general, try putting a scooped out lemon rind in there, full of baking powder or salt. The salt of baking powder will absorb odors in the air whilst the lemon rind will give a fresh fragrance.When you have removed all the contents of the fridge, take the glass or wire shelves out and put them in a sink full of hot soapy water to soak. Leave them in there whilst you attend to the fridge, so that all the residue food that has been spilled on them is worked on by the soapy water, making your life easier later on.Take your antibacterial cleaner and spray round the inside of the empty fridge. You will find that the spray can cover all areas, and be sure to leave no spot untouched. You will find that the spray slides down the surface, so lather it up with a sponge and get the whole thing covered nicely. Leave this and return to the shelves in the sink.Wipe down the shelves with a rough sponge just as you would the plates when you are washing up. You should be able to get them looking shiny and new in no time if they have had a bit of a soak. Ensure that the shelves are thoroughly degreased before you dry them, as otherwise they can get smeared.By this point you will be able to rerun to the fridge with your rough sponge, and wipe down the inside in the same way. Any residue should be scrubbed off fairly easily, so that you are left with a spotless fridge. Use a damp flannel to get rid of any left over foam residue, as otherwise it will dry in there and get all crusty. When you are drying the fridge, use only a clean flannel or towel s otherwise you stand the risk of spreading more dirt around the newly cleaned fridge! Place the shelves back in place, ensuring that you have them on the right levels, as otherwise you may not be able to fit all the food back in! When you are replacing the foodstuffs, ensure that none of the containers have any mess or dirt on the outside, as this will immediately dirty up the fridge again. A quick wipe with a cloth or a sponge should be enough to clean any jars or packets that have food on them before they go back in the fridge.

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