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13 March 2014
Cleaning Secrets Of Great Carpets
Cleaning Secrets Of Great Carpets

Everyone would like to have cleaner carpets in their home, but getting amazingly clean carpets takes lots of time, money and effort, right? Wrong! Getting the clean carpets that your home deserves doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might think! In fact, you probably already own many of the items that you can use for cleaner and more sanitary carpets. Have a look at these handy tips to find out more information!

1)    Pick up a broom!

Use a broom or any sort of scrubbing brush with thick bristles to brush down your carpets before you vacuum them. This will help to lift dirt and grime from deep within the fibres of your carpets, making it much easier to get thoroughly clean floors in your home!

2)    Always have a carpet stain remover in your cupboard.

When you have stains or spills that need attention then make sure you already have the right equipment to hand! If you don’t have any cleaning products to hand when disaster strikes then use a mixture of lukewarm water and lemon juice to dab away at stains. Never used hot or boiling water as this can actually set a stain rather than remove it!

3)    Use your doormat!

If you don’t have a doormat then it’s an excellent purchase for your home. You can lift dirt from your shoes this way, which stops it being trekked into your carpets! Don’t forget to clean your doormat regularly, and ensure that you’re getting the most from yours by replacing it every few years.

4)    Invest in a steam cleaner!

Using a steam cleaner in your home is the fast and efficient way for you to get thoroughly clean carpets. If purchasing a steam cleaner is a bit out of your budget then why not hire one from your local cleaning company? You’ll see a dramatic difference to your carpets, and you might even find that they last much longer than you might have thought!

5)    Keep odours at bay!

If you have pets in your home, or even if your house just sees a lot of traffic, your carpets can start to produce unpleasant smells and odours. If this is a problem in your house then try using a deodorising carpet product. Simply sprinkle on your floors and then vacuum away for carpets that smell as good as new! If you aren’t a fan of chemical products or scented products then you can do the same trick using bicarbonate of soda. The powder will soak up any odours without leaving any behind – just make sure every last bit is vacuumed away!

6)    Clean regularly!

The best way to keep your carpets looking their best is to clean them regularly. You should be vacuuming your carpets weekly to keep them clean and free from dirt! Try using a carpet shampoo or a carpet cleaner on a less regular basis to really get deep into the fibres of your floor to lift deep-seated dirt. It’s easy to keep your carpets looking fantastic once you get into a routine and once you’ve found the right products for you. Before you use any chemical cleaning products in your home make sure you do the proper research to ensure they’re not going to cause any damage. Try any new products on an inconspicuous area of carpet before doing a whole room just to make sure it’s a safe product to use!

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