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08 July 2015
Keeping Your Carpet Clean and Looking Good
Keeping Your Carpet Clean and Looking Good

Carpet is a lovely addition to any room and costly, but does need to be care for correctly to keep it looking good for longer. It helps if the carpet is good quality and has stain protector and good underlay. This all contributes to a carpet that will be easier to care for and last longer. To start if you invest in quality carpets with stain protection any spillage will be easier to clear up and won’t soak through to the floor underneath. Here we look at some helpful tips to keeping your carpets looking good and clean.

Checking your materials before a cleaning service
The main point before you clean a carpet is to make certain you know what the material is. If you have recently had them fitted ask all you can about the fibers, caring for carpets and aftercare. If you are not sure try to find the label on the back which will describe the fibers of the carpet. From this if you are unsure the internet is a good tool to research on specific materials.

Useful tools for the job
The main equipment to buy when you have carpets is a vacuum. These are the main tool that will keep your carpets free of dust and debris. Like upholstery and rugs, carpets need to be cleaned regularly and a vacuum is the best tool for the job. It will keep your carpets dust free and help reduce dust mites thriving in a dirty environment.

Another good investment to help with cleaning is a steam cleaner. Steam is one of the most common ways of cleaning carpets. These are a great tool to clean deep into the fibers of the carpets and not using any trace of a chemical. The steam is so hot is cleans away dirt and bacteria and really deep cleans your carpets. They help control allergens and keep germs under control. There are no harmful chemicals used so you don’t have to worry about having harmful toxins left remaining in the atmosphere.

Other cleaning solutions include
Ensuring you have a good cleaning detergent to remove a stain or dirty mark is essential if you have carpets. Though you do have to be sure what you are using. Check what your carpet is made of before cleaning. The material vary hugely and with some if not treated with care risk damaging either with shrinking or fading in the colour.

Other more eco friendly solutions include home remedies to help control odours such as baking soda which should be sprinkle over the carpet at night and left until the morning and then vacuumed to remove. This is an ideal and cheap solution if you have pets and they have left some nasty smells.

Keeping carpets looking good
The regular cleaning care of carpets is easy and generally vacuuming and cleaning any dirt immediately helps keep them looking good for longer. Having a cleaning kit on hand to treat a stain is best or using a steam cleaner will help solve the problem. A good suggestion is to set some ground rules and make sure that drink and food is taken at the table and not sitting on the sofa. There is nothing worst then a drink spillage and though there are solutions to treating it, sometimes they are never the same again. Having some know how on how to treat these types of cleaning dilemmas helps and will prolong the life of your carpet.

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