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16 December 2014
How To Manage Your Holiday Cleaning
How To Manage Your Holiday CleaningCome the holidays and your house will definitely get more dirty than usual. Some festive stains are more difficult to remove than others and pose more troublesome house cleaning dilemmas. However, there is no reason you should dread celebrations just because of the mess it creates. Here, we have listed some of the ways you can get rid of the common holiday stains and keep your house clean without missing out on the enjoyment of the festivities.1.    EggsIt is fun creating an Easter egg hunt for the kids, but there are chances that some of them might crack before they are found. If and when you discover a broken egg, you should attempt to clean it immediately, otherwise they will permanently stain your floor or wall after they have dried. Scoop up the egg yolk and white with a spoon, then use warm water and dish washing liquid to scrub the egg residue off with a soft bristled brush. Finish by rinsing the area down with clean water and then mop it. 2.    ChocolateOf course, your kids will be gorging on all the chocolates that your relatives bring them, but that also means that a lot of it will end up on their clothes and on your sofa or carpet. Cleaning chocolate stains can be tricky because if you use warm water, you might melt the chocolate, causing it to be absorbed further into the fabric. The most optimum way to clean chocolate is to scrape it off with a bread knife. Then hold the stained area under cold running water and rinse using a detergent soap. This should lighten the stain considerably. If it still persists, put the clothing in the washing machine and run it through a cold wash cycle. For stains on sofa or carpets, you might have to opt for an upholstery cleaning service. 3.    Pumpkin Pumpkin carving is essentially an outdoor activity because pumpkin pulp can leave ugly stains on your floor and carpets. If you do get pumpkin pulp on your floor, you should clean it up immediately. It can be trickier to get pumpkin out of your carpet though. Firstly, you should scoop up the pulp with a spoon. Then spray some white vinegar on the area and blot the stain using paper towels. Next, sprinkle some baking soda on the area and leave it for some time before vacuuming it. This should remove the odour and soak up any remain stains. If the stain still persists, you might have to call a professional carpet cleaning company to do a better job.4.    Candle waxIdeally, you should put candles on coasters or sheets of paper so that it is easier to clean the wax that flows from there. If you placed on the mantle or the floor without them, you will have a pool of wax melted around the candles. Allow the wax to dry before you remove them. Once dried and solid, scrape them off the surface using a blunt knife. If the wax residue still persists, use warm water and soap to scrub it out of the surface. Sometimes, you might get stains on the surface from coloured wax. If this happens, you will need to call in a hard floor cleaning service to tackle the problem.5.    Red wineIf you spill wine on any kind of fabric or upholstery, try and blot it immediately ensuring that you don’t spread the stain. Baking soda or salt will also soak the liquid, after which you can clean with warm water, white vinegar and dishwashing liquid. Apply in small quantities and blot dry with a clean cloth before repeating the process till the stain is lightened.

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